Course # NSM633: Function of the Brain, Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum in Human Movement and Cognition
Course Description
The objectives of this course are to create a comprehensive understanding of the clinical manifestations of function and deficits in the brain, basal ganglia and cerebellum. The student will be exposed to a functional understanding of the anatomy and physiology of higher centers of motor organization. The human motor system is dependent upon integration in the basal ganglia, which itself, has integration from other areas of the central nervous system. The probability of pathology or average function in the basal ganglia may be manifest in a variety of disorders of human movement. Not only human movement, but cognitive functionality may be involved in lesions of the basal ganglia, brain and cerebellum. The student will understand the methodology of examination as well as the ability to understand the development of syndromes through a properly directed history. The role of the basal ganglia in understanding neurodegenerative disorders is established in clinical neurology. The student will learn about these structures from a practical paradigm involving clinical manifestations of both function and pathology.
Course Content
- Anatomy and physiology of the basal ganglia, cerebellum and brain specific to human movement
- Understanding human cognition
- Human motor function and deficit
- Pathways connecting the basal ganglia with the brain and cerebellum
- Hyperkinetic and hyperkinetic motor pathology
- Tremor
- Neurodegenerative diseases affecting the basal ganglia and cerebellum
- The role of the cerebellum in motor coordination and initiation
- Diaschisis